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Church-Community in "love"

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

This morning during our weekly Q&A we looked at 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Corinthians. We noticed how the stories of the people of God during the period of the kings is a story of the people trying to assert their truth over and against their trust in God. We also noticed how we do the same thing today. We also observed the periods of idolatry during the time of the kings and how the kings continued to turn a way from God or do "what was evil in the sight of the LORD." Some even questioned if the kings led the people astray and if they people participated in the royal idolatry.

As we discussed Corinthians we noticed that Paul was writing to the church in Corinth to respond to some of the challenges of that new worshipping community. Mainly, the Corinthian community was dealing with division and dissension. In 1 Corinthians 13, we read the famous "love" passage that is so often used at weddings. I reminded the group that this love that Paul speaks so eloquently about is not love only for marriage. Instead it is love for one another in church-community. When we, in church-community, love one another without condition, we can build one another up and be supported and encouraged as the body of Christ. When we do this...we help usher in the kingdom of God.

May it be so!



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