On this Christmas day our world holds the newly born Christ child. This is a beautiful moment in the church year to reflect on the culminating vision of Revelation: abundant life, clean flowing rivers, trees full of fruit, healing and wholeness for people and nations. In this redemptive vision of hope and the grandeur of God, there is no more night because God becomes the source of all light. Through these Advent devotions, we have seen and observed God at work in the dark, marveled at the beauty of creation lit by moon and stars and rested from the day’s labor. We have moved through this season as watchful disciples, keeping vigil for the One promised to arrive like a thief in the night. Today, we give thanks for the fulfillment of this faithful journey, even as we continue to pray. Come, Lord Jesus. Be our source of light by day and by night. Amen. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24TH, CHRISTMAS EVE ISAIAH 9:2-7 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25TH, CHRISTMAS DAY REVELATION 22:1-5
These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.