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Advent Devotion December 9

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9TH | JOHN 3:1-10 Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus at night. Nicodemus acknowledges that Jesus comes from God and that he can learn something from Jesus. But as a Pharisee, he’s supposed to be the teacher, not the student. The night provides Nicodemus cover to approach Jesus and ask his questions. This Advent, consider what questions you might ask of God when no one else is around to hear you. What would you like to know? What don’t you understand? Position yourself humbly as a student before the Teacher. Use God’s gift of night as your cover. God of Wisdom, there are many things we do not understand. Yet we let our questions go, embarrassed to ask, embarrassed to reveal how much we don’t know. Be with us in this humbling moment, O God. Under the cover of this Advent night, we seek you and your wisdom honestly and faithfully. Amen.

These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.


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