Discipleship Talent Committee organizes and coordinates all of our Christian Education offerings Children, Youth, and Adults.
Adult Ministries
Dr Tim’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 10:30 AM Dr. Tim Womack leads a class discussion organized around the books of the Bible. This class works through both the New Testament and the Old Testament to find inspiration for a daily life of faith. This class meets in person in Schumann Conferencing Room and via Zoom and Livestream. For more information, contact, Dr. Tim Womack
Youth Ministries
The Youth at FPC meet bi-monthly for fun and engaging activities as well as several trips throughout the year. Some of these activities include Volleyball in McAfee Hall, events in our youth center, trips to Universal, and service projects in our community. Many of our youth events coincide with youth music ministries at our church.

Children's Ministries
The nursery provides a safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient environment for our youngest disciples ages birth to 3 years. The teachers and staff will play with the children and teach them a short Bible story each week from the provided curricula. Nursery is available during all worship services.
Sunday school
We are currently offering two Sunday school classes for children ages Pre-K thru 1st and 2nd thru 5th grades. After “Time For Young Disciples” the children are walked over to a secure wing of the Center for Christian Life building where they can be picked up after our worship service. The children are taught a curricula that connects Bible story lessons to life today using various learning styles by trained, loving volunteers.
Quest Kids Club is an after school program offered on Wednesday from September thru May. It is open to all children in our community in grades Kindergarten to Fifth grade. The program includes various stations for the children to rotate: homework help, games, snack, crafts, Bible lesson, and music. Our Quest Kids Club curriculum offers a age appropriate resources, animated character, lessons centered on scripture. Transportation is provided from several area schools and follows the Indian River School District calendar.
Family Focused Events
First Presbyterian Church offers several family focused events to encourage discipleship amongst parents and children. Anyone can join us for Wednesday Night Dinners running from September to May, please RSVP through the website to ensure we have enough food. We also offer monthly gatherings for families like movie nights, a fall festival, and retreats/outings.